Meditation made easy for the Modern world
21 days to access your inner calm, peace, and joy!
Meditation can be tricky, can’t it?!
I mean how many times have you sat down and thought, “I must clear my mind” and then 10 mins later you’ve made a mental list of all of the things you’re going to eat that day, who you’re going to call and what you’re going to say to them… plus planned your next holiday! Maybe you’ve tried lots of times and it always falls by the wayside and you just can’t stick to it. Maybe you’ve decided Meditation just isn’t for you?
This year has been a tough year to say the least and its not over yet! With everything thats going on in the world I really believe that meditation has never been more important. Maybe your mind feels like its going to explode? and the thought of sitting still feels impossible!! All the more reason to show up for yourself, and ITS NOT about getting rid of your thoughts, or stilling the mind…. (although that might happen), its about be-friending your mind, finding peace there and once you have this established as a daily practice you’ll feel and experience:
Calmer, Clearer, More rested, More spacious in time, More in touch with Creativity, Less reactive and more Responsive
I struggled with Meditation for years, and would inwardly groan when my yoga teacher said “today we’ll end in Meditation” I sit there dying for the bell to go! I loved Asana from day 1 but found sitting HARD work!
Well, now I love meditation, its the most peaceful and non-negotiable time of my day. It keeps me sane and I truly believe makes me a better mum, a more patient partner, and gives me time and space for clarity. It’s often when I get my best ideas, insights, and revelations. I know that on the rare occasion I miss my meditation I know about it!
* Maybe you’ve tried on and off to meditate but nothing’s ever really worked for you?
* Or maybe you feel you haven’t had the discipline or that you don’t really know what you’re doing??!
* Maybe its always been a frustrating experience and you haven’t had anyone to ask or talk to about it?
Well, I’m going to share with you tools and techniques to make meditation easier and actually enjoyable!!! I will provide and hold space for you, to commit to practising meditation daily for 21 days.
You’ll try 4 different but complementary meditation practices so that you can find what works for you, and grow your tool kit and experience. I’ll be there to support you every step of the way and as a kula, a community we’ll all cheer each other on, to make sure we commit to a daily practice, as this is how we grow!The more you do it, honestly the easier it becomes and establishing it as a daily habit is key!
At the end of the course, you’ll have everything you need to continue with a regular meditation practice.
All you need is a maximum of 30 mins per day! Some days as little as 15 mins.
Feedback from my Last Meditation Training
Anna Hann says,
“I loved it! I’ve been meditating on and off for a few years but this really gave me the focus to make it a daily practice. Also learning the pre-meditative asana has been a real game changer in how I experience my meditations-my mind is much calmer and have had some amazing blissful moments. I really enjoyed learning the different types of meditation and while some came easier than others, it’s great to have these tools to use at different times. I really enjoyed being part of a group and having the live sessions, these made me commit much more to my meditations each day. Thanks so much Jess for a brilliant 21 days! “
A 21-day Training to help you fall in love with Meditation!
Whats included:
- A welcome to Meditation introduction and live Q and A
- A Private Group with support and tips from me
- An online 21-day commitment diary to record your reflections and notes into.
- 4 different meditations all taught live and videos of them to keep for life
- 2 days of each meditation will be taught live, and you will be sent a video recording of each meditation to practice at home for the other 3 days
- 4 high res videos which are yours to keep for life, plus 2 bonus shorter meditations for the days you are short on time but want to keep to your commitment.
- If you can’t make any of the ‘live’ sessions, you can always watch them in your own time and convenience. You can find the recordings on the FB Group but you need to commit to the 21 days of practice!
- There will be a live Q and A and support session during each technique to cover any questions and issues that might come up
- Each technique will include a short Pre-meditative asana sequence and pranayama for you to practice before your meditation sessions.
- On the 21st day, we will all meditate together
- The support group will be open for a further week to provide you ongoing support and as you take your meditation practice forward!
Live Meditation sessions will take place in the mornings, (dates and times listed below!). If you can’t make the ‘Live’ meditation don’t worry you can catch up in your own time, later that day.
The Challenge will kick off on the 13th of November when I will do an introduction to Meditation and live Q and A at 6 pm.
We will officially start the training on the 15th of November LIVE on ZOOM.
Q and A’s Support Trainings Schedule
Meditation Training Dates
If you Can’t make it ‘LIVE’ don’t worry everything will be recorded so you can watch in your own time!
TAKE NOTE: The Days for Live Meditations *
About Me
I’ve been practicing yoga for over 20 years now, teaching for the last 12 and during that time I’ve trained with many Yoga Masters, from the US, India and UK’s finest! But it was when I found ISHTA Yoga – (Integrated Science of Hatha, Tantra and Ayurveda) that I found a way to meditate that made sense and that was grounded in both traditional techniques and science.
In ISHTA we use Traditional Tantric techniques, (no not the sexual form!) and Hatha and Pranayama to prepare mind and body to meditate with more ease.
I’ve also trained with Tantric Master Meditation teacher Sally Kempton and in this 21 day Challenge I’m going to share with you the best tips I’ve found, that has made me fall in love with meditation!