November Yin & Soundbath Workshop – An Act of Kindness

Friday, 8th November / 7pm-9pm / Studio 33

As we approach World Kindness Day on the 13th of November, I invite you to join me for an extraordinary Yin & Soundbath workshop!

Many of us struggle to show kindness and compassion to ourselves. We often put others first, neglecting our own needs in the process.

This November, let’s change that narrative. While we think of ways to show kindness to others, let’s also remember to show a little kindness to ourselves.

This workshop is designed to be a sanctuary of rest and restoration. Through gentle Yin yoga and the soothing vibrations of a sound bath, you will be guided into a deep state of relaxation.

This is your time to slow down, breathe deeply, and nurture your own well-being.

INVESTMENT: Price £30 p/p. Limited places of 9 are available!

Participating in the class is a pleasure…

Classes are welcoming and Jess makes you feel like an individual, not just a number in the class. Poses are adapted to meet individual needs or limitations, this is done in such a way that it still feels very inclusive and no one is left out.

Jess’ knowledge and experience is abundant and I like the way it is shared with the class. Participating in the class is a pleasure.

Z o e  M a t t h e w s
Yoga Student