October Yin & Soundbath Workshop – New Moon Energy

Friday, 4th October / 7pm-9pm / Studio 33

Let’s welcome new beginnings, growth, and transformation!

The New Moon marks the start of a lunar cycle, a time brimming with potential and the perfect moment to set intentions for a fresh start.

Symbolically, it represents the unseen, the seeds of our future dreams and aspirations lying dormant, waiting to sprout and flourish.

This workshop is a sanctuary for anyone yearning to reset and realign with their true path.

Whether you’re looking to plant new seeds of intention, cultivate personal growth, or simply experience deep relaxation, this session offers a profound space for transformation.

INVESTMENT: Price £30 p/p. Limited places of 9 are available!

Participating in the class is a pleasure…

Classes are welcoming and Jess makes you feel like an individual, not just a number in the class. Poses are adapted to meet individual needs or limitations, this is done in such a way that it still feels very inclusive and no one is left out.

Jess’ knowledge and experience is abundant and I like the way it is shared with the class. Participating in the class is a pleasure.

Z o e  M a t t h e w s
Yoga Student