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September Yin & Soundbath Workshop – Welcoming Autumn

Thursday, 12th September / 7pm-9pm / Studio 33

This beautiful season invites us to pause and reflect, to acknowledge the seeds we planted earlier in the year and embrace the harvest they bring.

During our practice, we’ll slow down to align with the natural rhythms of autumn. It’s a perfect time to take stock of our personal growth, celebrate our achievements, and consider what we want to cultivate moving forward. Through gentle Yin postures and the soothing vibrations of my crystal bowls, we’ll create space to nurture our inner landscape, allowing clarity and tranquility to blossom.

Join me as we welcome the autumnal energy, grounding ourselves and honoring the journey we’ve undertaken so far.

Let’s come together to breathe, reflect, and prepare for the bounty and wisdom this season has to offer.

INVESTMENT: Price £30 p/p. Limited places of 9 are available!

Participating in the class is a pleasure…

Classes are welcoming and Jess makes you feel like an individual, not just a number in the class. Poses are adapted to meet individual needs or limitations, this is done in such a way that it still feels very inclusive and no one is left out.

Jess’ knowledge and experience is abundant and I like the way it is shared with the class. Participating in the class is a pleasure.

Z o e  M a t t h e w s
Yoga Student