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The Kleshas Workshop

Saturday, 3rd August / 9.30am-11am / Studio 33

I am thrilled to announce an upcoming online and in-person Members Workshop dedicated to exploring the Kleshas!

*Free for each month for all Sudor members. Register here today.*

These five afflictions or obstacles—ignorance, ego, attachment, aversion, and fear— that often cloud our minds and hold us back.

In this workshop, we’ll explore each Kleshas, looking at the obstacles that are in our way and explore how our yoga practice might help us overcome and move past them.

Join me in person at Studio 33

INVESTMENT: Price £25 p/p. Limited places of 9 are available!

Or join me online via my Sudor channel

My monthly workshops are free for Sudor members, join today from just £12 per month!

Participating in the class is a pleasure…

Classes are welcoming and Jess makes you feel like an individual, not just a number in the class. Poses are adapted to meet individual needs or limitations, this is done in such a way that it still feels very inclusive and no one is left out.

Jess’ knowledge and experience is abundant and I like the way it is shared with the class. Participating in the class is a pleasure.

Z o e  M a t t h e w s
Yoga Student